City Svcs
ALERT IOWA (County Emergency Notification sign up link)
Emergency: 911
Non-emergency: 712-328-5737
City Hall: 712-343-2424, Option 1 for Administration
Watch our Council Meetings on the Marne Elk Horn Channel 14 Digital, 91 & 391 fiber
Avoca Water Works 712-343-2424
$220 Deposit
(Includes water, sewer & trash deposit)
Call City Hall to get service
Auto pay - contact the Clerk's office OR see the FORMS LINK
Picked up every Friday
Can put out 1 tipper cart
Additional Tipper Cart - Additional $12.00/month
Recycle Bin - Additional $5.00/month
If you have additional pick-ups call R & S Waste (800-730-3471)
Cemetery Plots - Cemetery Rules
$600/per space: can be occupied by one person full burial or 2 persons cremated
Contact City Hall for purchasing.
$10 Administration Fee - State of Iowa
FULL BURIAL Monday-Thursday $700.00 Friday-Saturday $850
CREMATION BURIAL Monday-Thursday $350 Friday-Saturday $425
Gift Certificates Available For Aquatic Center and Avoca CountryView Golf and Grille
Contact City Hall
Yard Waste (leaves/grass ONLY)
600th block of S Locust St.
Burn Site (trees/branches ONLY)
600th block of S Locust St.
Recycle Bin
Located at 262 S.Chestnut St.
Animal Control (Pott Co)
Pet license is required annually by March 1st.
MidAmerican Energy 1-888-427-5632
Kinetic - Windstream 1-877-516-8175
Marne Elk Horn 712-784-2211
Xtream - MediaCom 1-877-297-7466
Xtream - MediaCom 1-877-297-7466
Marne Elk Horn 1-888-784-2211
Kinetic - Winstream 1-877-516-8175
Kinetic - Windstream 1-877-516-8175
Farmers Mutual 712-744-3131
Marne Elk Horn 712-784-2211
Xtream - MediaCom 1-877-297-7466
Doctor Office
Myrtue Medical Clinic 712-343-6455
510 N. Elm
Myrtue Memorial 712-755-5161
1213 Garfield, Harlan, IA